- #Reddit deep rock galactic gunner upgrades how to
- #Reddit deep rock galactic gunner upgrades mod
- #Reddit deep rock galactic gunner upgrades upgrade
With the right perspective the Driller can be an invaluable member to the team and help everyone accomplish what needs to be done faster and easier than normally possible. There are a number of tips players can use to improve the Driller’s efforts both in and out of combat. RELATED: The 10 Best Multiplayer Games Of The Decade (According To Metacritic)
#Reddit deep rock galactic gunner upgrades how to
As a result many players become confused about their role as Driller in this multiplayer game and how to best maximize their efforts. Their useful Drill can do just about everything except mine materials.

In any case, I'm excited.The Driller is a unique class in Deep Rock Galactic that’s surprisingly less about mining than one might think.

And, depending on the capabilities of the Coilgun's penetration, this might just give Gunner a way to deal with Oppressors from the front, which will be great since he's the only class that doesn't have an option for doing meaningful damage through the Opps armor (or negating that armor entirely, in the case of Cryo Grenades and the Cryo Cannon). Bet-C? Just tag the Charge Suckers from a distance and blast away (I don't see this being a very efficient strategy but it would definitely be an option in a pinch). Spitballers? Same thing, although it's going to require a tad better aim then the BC. Just shoot it (and hopefully not your teammate) from right where you're standing. Teammate got leeched in a separate cave? No need to frantically run their way in hopes of killing it before it kills them. We've all done the old "dip out of cover to tag a Spitballer so Engi can shoot it with the Breech Cutter without exposing himself" strategy, but the coil gun is gonna enable us to do that against more than just large stationary targets which are at a relatively close range. First is taking out priority targets from behind cover. Since the Coilgun can shoot through terrain (and seemingly heavy armor as well), I can think of a few good application. Both have possible issues (spamming tags on every enemy, or just shooting through the smallest piece of terrain, respectively) but I think GSG would be up to the task of balancing either option.
#Reddit deep rock galactic gunner upgrades mod
You could also accomplish the same sort of playstyle with a mod that increases damage if the projectile has penetrated an object. I really want to play into this weapon's ability to shoot through walls, and rewarding a player for coordinating with their team to tag priority targets while the Gunner snipes then from across the map sounds real cool.
#Reddit deep rock galactic gunner upgrades upgrade
Maybe a little bit higher magnification than you get with the M1K's focus shots, any higher would probably be more of a detriment than an upgrade since you rarely get caves that are big enough that you could take advantage of a significant level of zoom.Īnother mod idea (or overclock, depending on the size of the increase) I was toying around with was doing increased damage to tagged targets. I think the option to have an increased level of zoom on charged shots would be pretty nice, especially for a weapon like this that seems geared toward long-range combat. Gunner really lacks in crowd-control secondary options - you've got Magic Bullets (which basically has one build) and Electro Minelets - so having an Overclock that adds a large area of effect around the projectile would be amazing (imagine the breach cutter but the shot requires a long charge). If you've played Doom (2016) you probably expected this, but I'd love something similar to the Gauss Cannon's Siege Mode. So for mods/Overclocks, here's just a couple I could think of off the top of my head

It would help to further differentiate it from the the BRT and Bulldog. I will say, I kiiiiiind of wish they had opted to make the Coilgun, well, full-sized, I guess, rather than a single-handed weapon. Engi gets a grenade launcher or the tuned-for-combat mining tool, Scout gets a sawed off double barrel or dual-wield micro SMGs, Driller gets a basic pistol or the EPC, while Gunner gets.two different pistols? I love the Bulldog and BRT, don't get me wrong, but they're both still normal pistols at the end of the day.

Out of all the classes, I've felt that Gunner has the most "samey" secondaries, at least in aesthetics. First off, I'm super hype for this secondary.